It’s Time to Take Influence Back
These are kind of weird words right now. Words people take differently. They mean different things to different people.
They have kind of a negative connotation for many.
But when the heck did we decide influencing is a bad thing?? I was trying to influence my 20-year-old just yesterday to make some different choices.
I don’t think I did, but I hope I influenced her.
In business, I want to influence our prospects to choose us. I want to influence the business decisions we are making as a team.
I want to influence my community & for the LOVE OF GOD, I want to influence our politics in this country!
I think we let a word that is incredibly powerful be turned into something we dislike & do not desire.
That’s a scary thing to do. Now, the power of that word rests in the hands of people who do not have the integrity, the character, or the moral compass we have.
And now they are molding a generation & a population. They are deciding our laws. They are deciding what is “valuable” to our society. They are deciding who can and can’t be open.
We need influence to be put back into the right hands. It actually won’t just be “put back” though. We need to take that damn thing back by force!
I think it’s time for a group of humans who generally love people to rise up and start having influence themselves. We’ve sat on the sidelines long enough.
It’s time for us to desire influence, to expect it! Because it’s ours if we choose for it to be ours. It’s ours if we will do the things required to hold it.
And I’m not just talking about posting on social media more often. I’m talking about influence that changes things. That changes cities, states, countries - in a good way!
I’m talking influence that lifts up a friend who is down for the count. Encouraging a total stranger. Giving hope to an entire family. Reigniting the dreams of an entire country.
Influence that builds and grows and develops and helps people.
That’s the kind of influence I”m talking about. That’s the kind of influence I’m stepping into.
I’m feeling so drawn into writing this year. Like, there is a message inside of me that is chomping at the bit to come out! It cannot be contained any longer!!
And nows it’s time. For me and for you. I’m sure every single person reading this right now has a desire to influence people. To be the change. To make a difference.
Isn’t that really what it’s all about after all?
I love the definition:
A power affecting a person, thing, or course of events, especially one that operates without any direct or apparent effort.
Power to sway or affect based on prestige, wealth, ability, or position.
A person who exerts such power.
But - oh boy - the antonyms!
No - these words are not for us. Not for the called. Not for the ones whose destinies are screaming our names. Not for the ones who will not leave this earth before accomplishing the purpose we were created for.
Not for the scared. Not for the timid. Not for the one who needs all certainty upfront before stepping out.
Nope, we are the ones who jump off the side of that cliff & believe the parachute will open! Once we step in. Once we step out. Once we let go of the side. Once we fully trust. Once we have even just a little faith.
This has kind of been what 2020 felt like for me. I took a leap - and I still don’t know what it’s going to look like.
I did things that scared me. I did things I didn’t know how to do. I did things I felt incapable of doing. But I did them nonetheless.
And I believe there is a call to all of us - step out, take the chance, take the leap, do that thing - that freaking thing you’ve dreamt about doing for years - that thing!!
We’ve watched what happens to the world when the group of successful, hard-working, raising our kids, making ends meet, figuring things out, getting shit done, bringing our families to church on Sundays - steps back from influence. Steps back from center stage. Steps back from the world knowing who you are.
And it ain’t good if you haven’t noticed.
I believe we are on the brink of a moment where the powers of influence can change hands rapidly - much faster than would make sense to the outside world.
But this can only happen if the called step up to the challenge. If we open our mouth and have a voice. If we speak out the message that is in our souls. If we share our stories with the world.
Imagine what would change! Just think on it for a minute. How beautiful this world would become if we just did it?!?!
Ps. Tracey Armstrong (amazing - check him out!!) says that you can never achieve wealth until you achieve influence. So, quit chasing wealth & pursue influence instead.
Wow!! So good & so true!!
This message feels a little rambly. But the repetition also felt necessary. I want to call you up. I want to call you up into a greater destiny than what you are seeing right now. This is the time! If there ever was a time to change the world, it is right now!!
With love - Kristie
P.S. If this message spoke to you, then you know you are called to be an influencer. To be a messenger. To change the world. I’m building a community for people like us - of revolutionary, message-based, and influential entrepreneurs - in my Don’t Shoot the Freaking Messenger Facebook Group. I’d love for you to join us!!