When “Unqualified” Comes Knocking
Have you ever felt unqualified? Ever felt like you'd never be good enough?
In January, I took on homeschooling two of my kids while building a business from home. It was fun & exciting at first, but then...unqualified came knocking on my door.
Our business - it's not where we thought it would be at this point. We're making progress. We've learned so many lessons. We've grown & stretched beyond imagination. But if I'm honest - it still isn't there.
Unqualified comes booming in.
Who are you to think you can homeschool your kids? You don't have a teaching degree. You don't even have a Bachelors Degree. Of course, that unqualifies you!
Who are you to think you can own a thriving business? What makes you so great? What if you let your team down? What if you let your family down??
Unqualified shouting louder & louder.
It's scary doing new things. It's frightening to step out of the norms of life. The 9-5 job. The corporate position. The steady paycheck.
It's scary. Who I am to think I can do all this?
Unqualified - unqualified - unqualified!!!
The more we stretch ourselves, the more often unqualified will show up.
Incapable. Unable. Impossible. They seem to hang out together. And they aren't very polite. They barge right on in & have a seat at the table without an invite.
Then this week, I get a text from Steve Weatherford:
"God doesn't call the qualified. He qualifies the called."
It was the reminder I needed that feeling unqualified is not a reason to retreat. Feeling unqualified is a reason to go into that secret place with God more often.
Stepping into a great intimacy with Him. Letting Him tell me who I am and not the world. Hearing my Papa in Heaven whisper in my ear that He's got me & He's with me in this thing.
He's with me in all the things that are scaring the shit out of me right now!! He isn't disappointed. He isn't angry.
He says "It's time - go!!"
Step out more. Be more bold. Be more courageous. Do the scary things. Keep going even when it's not working.
The world is ready for us to step up. The world has been waiting & waiting & waiting!
What's that dream inside your heart that is dying to come out? What has God whispered in your ear about who He says you are?
Is it an author? An entrepreneur? A momma? A CMO? A business owner? A homeschooler? A speaker?
He's calling us into something new.
There's never been a time like we are in today. People are seeking something deeper. People are desperate to hear from us - from the called!
"It's time - go!!"
Stop holding it back. Stop holding it in. You know it's in there because it's gnawing at you all the time. Frustrating the hell out of you - pretty sure on purpose!
What is it? Why not now??
Katrina Ruth says "When you make space for the muse, the muse will come."
It's time to make space for our gift. For our calling. For our destiny. It's time to let that thing come flying out from within us for the whole world to see.
Yes, it's scary. Yes, some people won't like it. Yes, some people will judge or criticize you. But that's okay. We aren't here to please them. We are here to please our Papa in Heaven.
So - go out & do one scary thing today that brings you closer to your dreams. Do it. Rip off the Band-Aid and put it out there. What's the worst that can happen?
I'm praying for all your dreams & desires today!! Let me know if this was helpful for you!! God bless!!